Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gamefowl Bloodline: The RoundHeads

The Boston RoundHead

They always comes out peacomb, majority are yellow legs but they also have white legs. Red eyes, wheaten or pale yellow hackle, medium to high station, an average weight of 2.0 to 2.4 kg. Boston or Allen rounhead, excepts sometimes the boston roundheads exhibit black spurs. The origin is an oriental fowl, either from india or pakistan and they mature early in about 10 months old.


The old time roundheads are most suitable for long heel knife. They are smart, side stepping, an agile heads up fighters, they could fight in the ground and in the air. Roundheads are aggressive, fast fighting, feet out and deadly, sure cutting cocks. They have strong and devastating leg power specially in the first buckle.

Roundheads cross exceptionally well with white hackles, hatches, Lew greys, Murphy, Madigin grey and Kelso. Roundheads includes, boston roundheads, lacy roundheads from Garry Gilliam, Marion Rose, Rey Alexander, Allen and Bruner.

Gamefowl Bloodline: The Kelsos

Cardinal Club Kelso

Majority of kelso are straight comb, usually white legs but they also have yellow legs, 70% - 30%. They come from many lines, Judge Wilkins Typewriter Blue, Smith Austin Rounheads, Tom Morphy Whitehackle, Yankee Clipper Red and cross between whitehackle and claret. They can break high with good timing, high station with sleek legs. Originated by Mr.Walter Kelso.


Morgan and Kearney white hackles are high station with white leg, straight comb. They have a lot of power, deep game bird and breaks medium height in the air than the hatch which a grounder. Good breaking ability or Salto, they have broader chest than clarets. This genetics bloodline is also in the stocks of Cardinal Club, Bob Howard, JC Bible, John O'Fowler, and Curtis blackwell.

Check out the history of this fowl at http://www.ultimatefowl.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kelso.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Clarets Gamefowl History

The making of Claret

In a recent article in one of the magazines, the theory was presented that the White Dominique was infused into the Clarets.

The best way to check white fowl is to mate one with a strain that produces black females. If Dominique is in the blood, it will show quickly. In fact I have had fowl shipped me; the shipper stating he had Clarets which did not have the proper appearance for other than white color, it being not the regular color for a Claret, which is different from any other white. I have tested them in single matings and never found one of them to be a true Claret.

The first chicks to appear showed Dominique characteristics when crossed on a Shuffler hen. It is amusing to note how many think they have Clarets, conscientiously believing they have the real stuff, for they don’t know that they don’t know. Any one who knows the fowl can test, in a few moments’ sparring whether it is real or not. Clarets fight differently. They fly into a cock with no beak hold, their heels pointed as an expert swordsman points a rapier. They don’t want to bite their opponent, just want to measure the distance and kill him.

A Claret cannot be produced synthetically. Many honestly believe they have created the Madigin fowl by crossing darked-colored red fowl in some manner to get wine red chickens but they do not produce the true fighting qualities of the Claret at all. Clippers originally were 50 per cent Claret. Even Clippers, from true Clarets, will produce an occasional white.

In my opinion, there are few Clarets now extant and less than half a dozen breeders who own a pure Claret, unless they have recently procured them from one of the few breeders of the true stock.

An expert has almost the feel of the true fowl. As one prominent breeder used to say: “They go together like an accordion.” They down have hard bodies; have lot of feathers, are frail chickens except in leg and wing power; but have more kick than anything their weight; are intelligent, realizing their killing prowess is in that kick and that their beaks are primarily to feed themselves. They watch and feint to get their opponent out of position, then fly into him to tear him all to pieces without getting a scratch themselves, if possible.

There are extenuating circumstances often even caused by their handlers if they do not understand their handling. Their intelligence goes to the brood yard. They are aristocrats of the chicken specie. Rarely ever will you have one that will fight females. They chatter, talk and are perfect feathered gentlemen. If you have loose hens running around the coops, the outside hens will stay around the yard with a Claret cock in it. Some of the old fashioned strains are the bourgeois of the feathered tribe.

For four generations the family of the writer of this article has owed and admired spirited horses, dogs, and fowl. As far as one hundred years back, one ancestor kept game fowl at his slave cabins on his plantation. We were a family of attorneys and politicians and law makers, but the obsession for spirited chickens seemed to be perpetuated traditionally.

From the deepest research, experience and association with this strain of aristocrats of all game fowl, in this writer’s opinion, which of course may have little value, the Clarets, while thought to have been produced accidentally, were amply prepared to produce the greatest of all modern fowl.

It is a matter of common knowledge that a pair of fowl were casually thrown into a barn, the female stole her nest, raised nine stags and three pullets, they coming very regular, all deep claret-wine color, hence the name.

It was not entirely accidental that they were endowed with superior fighting ability, for on both sides, particularly on the female side, a pedigree of superior fowl existed. Her blood came from the best on both sides of the globe, carefully and intelligently produced by men who were past masters. The mother was a Herman B. Duryea Whitehackle whose sire won 19 battles, 14 of them in hands of Michael Kearney and 5 in England and Ireland for the Earl of Cromwell.

The sire of the Clarets, according to this writer’s research, was produced from a gray cock that fought at about 4.02. This particular cock belonged to a comparatively unknown boy at that time (in cocking circles) who I understand brought the cock to Mr. Deans to fight for him. Deans fought the cocks in good company several times. He won in such a creditable manner that Mr. Deans procured the cock for his own and then bred him to one of his good red hens, heavy in Mahoney blood. Mahoney lived with Mr. Deans for some time and died at his home. This produced the red cock that became the “daddy of the Clarets.”

Any of you have bred a light gray cock on fowl with white undercolor such as Whitehackle may have had the same experience as I; that a gray crossed on that sort of fowl might produce white birds, the gray being so near the white in color.

The father of the sire of the Clarets was a gray cock, the daddy of the Clarets being the only red out of a clutch containing six stags, the remaining five being gray. The white did not present itself immediately. The wine color was first, then gray, then some whites. The gray, I understandwere among the first grays that Mr. Madigin ever owned. The grays fought like Clarets, which of course they were. Then came the whites which went back to the combination of Whitehackle blood and the blood of the Deans gray cock, which cock contained blood of Gilman Grey-Mansell pyle with other combinations.

Mr. Madigin liked the white color which was a beautiful ( what I call) , magnolia or pinkish white. The stags invariably showed a buffbrassback, which never occurs in any other color of white fowl. In fact, some of the chicks when hatched come almost pink.

In later years, I have heard that Mr. Madigin crosses some other white blood into his Clarets as the pure ones were getting small and inbred. If he did so it was entirely his own business as he was obligated to no one to perpetuate any fowl or color. He wanted a winner and liked those that looked well.

So far as runners were concerned, the Claret is one of the most sensitive and high-strung fowl. Coming from a long line of sensitive ancestry, particularly on the mother’s side they have definite characteristics. Just as a peacock, when he losses his feathers, will hide from his own females because he is so completely distressed, so will a game cock. The higher-strung the more sensitive and rightly so. It is sex and pride that makes him fight and he is at a disadvantage. Some of the gamest of bull dogs will carry their tails between their legs a good part of the time. A fight for them is serious for it means victory or death; a situation of which they are constantly aware. One who does not recognize the high spirit of the Claret fowl should never own one.

There is a story in circulation that Mr. Madigin bred a yard of fowl intentionally “dunghilled.” He trusted most of his friends with whom he was associated in horse breeding and let them have some of his good fowl as they were not competitors in cockfighting. On the other hand, he felt that some of his chicken friends were not as loyal as they could have been in keeping his fowl as his property and origination. It is told that he distributed some of his synthetic fowl to certain individuals to cure them of the practice of bothering him for cocks, breeding them back and selling them later as “pure Clarets.”

To scatter his best fowl promiscuously to those who would breed them back would have destroyed his opportunity to win as he would have been in competion with his own ability as a breeder. Although the general opinion, is that the hen produced the greater percentage of fighting prowess, it depends on the stamina of bother parents. As unusually strong cock on a weak female with predominantly produce more of the male progeny’s qualifications.

My theory is that the white fowl were first produced naturally from the blood of the gray cock owned by Mr. Deans and that the mother of the Clarets with the white under color of the Duryea Whitehackle.

To this day, in breeding straight white Clarets, (which cannot be continued long as the feathers get too brittle and they get somewhat weakened; it is better to breed back to the dark colors) one will get an occasional gray feather and the first Clarets were bred 40 years ago. In my opinion, no outside blood was put in the Clarets except from two cocks from Mr. Marsh, strong in Lowman Whitehackle blood until 1935. The original white Clarets were a natural production.

Original Source: http://www.sabong.net.ph/forum/showthread.php?t=7185

Gamefowl Bloodline: The Clarets

Pure Madigin Claret

Clarets are straight-comb and black breasted. They are usually comes in wine red, wings and tails have white streaks, medium to high station, legs are usually white 80%, medium in weight 1.9 to 2.3 kilogram, brood back and in compact built. Clarets are high breakers, accurate cutters, single strokers and deep game. They are fast and clever, hard hitter and aggressive.

For more info about clarets history, click here.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Gamefowl Bloodline: The Lemon

The Lemons

A blending of a blue face hatch, white hackle and clarets. They could be straight comb or peacomb, more on the medium or low station and light yellow red in color. 70% are yellow legged and 30% have white legs, comes out with lemon hackle. They are known to be an accurate cutter with good timing, it is regarded as an intelligent bird with weaving ability. It can be fought in as is in their current genetic make up and also blends well with Kelso and particularly the hatch strain of gamefowl. A straight comb lemon is 1/2 sandy hatch, 1/4 claret and 1/4 Kearney white hackle. A pea comb is 1/2 McLean hatch and 1/2 clarets.

The most well-known lemon bloodline in the Philippines is the Lemon 84 which was Originated by the legend Paeng Araneta, Lemon 84 has become the base bloodline used by most Bacolod breeders. Until presently, this line is still winning. Basically from the Hatch-Butcher-Claret blends of the late Duke Hulsey, Paeng has been able to create subfamilies from the original stocks.


Lemon 84 (called as such because the original brood cock had leg-band number 84) comes lemon hackled, pea-combed or straight-combed, yellow and green-legged. Although lacking in gameness, Lemon 84 makes up for it with its almost automatic, instinctive and precise sense of timing when it clips the opponent in mid-air and throws his fatal punches or counter-punches. This is its most sought-after trait despite its medium or low station.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Bacterial Flushing using Vetracin Gold Capsule and Deworm using Thunderbird Strongard before starting 21 day keep.

DAY     1: Give One caplet of Ganador Max (Noon time)
 2: Delouse using Thunderbird Pusham
 3: Inject 0.5cc of Bexan XP after feeding
 4: Give One caplet of Ganador Max (Noon time)

DAY  4 to 6
             - Fifteen minutes scratching at 4:00 am and then back to cord area for morning feeding.
 - Give 1 caplet of Rovistress after the exercise between 9:00-10:00 am.
             - Put them in flypen at 9:00 am-3:00 pm, then back to cord area for afternoon feeding.

            7: Give One caplet of Ganador Max (Noon time)

DAY  8 to 14
             - Fifteen minutes scratching at 4:00 am and then back to cord area for morning feeding.
 - Give 1 caplet of Rovistress after the exercise between 9:00-10:00 am.
             - Put them in flypen at 9:00 am-3:00 pm, then back to cord area for afternoon feeding.

            10: Give One caplet of Ganador Max (Noon time)
11: Inject 0.5cc of Bexan XP after feeding
13: Give One caplet of Ganador Max (Noon time)

15: Delouse using Thunderbird Pusham
16: Give One caplet of Ganador Max (Noon time)
17: Inject 0.3cc of Bexan XP after feeding
18: Propel with lights and loud sounds like they were inside the cockpit arena.

DAY  19 to 21 – Carbo-loading period
   - Reduce pellets and gradually increase corn
   - Place them in their resting stall covered with dark color clothes.
   - Limber to check droppings every 3 hours.
   - Avoid giving medicines/vitamins during this period.


Saturday, June 1, 2013

What Will Be The Right Age To Fight Gamecocks?

"Right Age To fight Gamecocks"
By Jimto - Sabungero

When you ask sabungero people what is the right age to introduce gamecocks to fighting, you will get various answers. Some of them especially small backyard breeders will say 9 months, others will say as early as six months they should be trained, while there are also those that believe fighting cocks should be ready for a pit fight when they reach 18 months old.

The approach will actually vary according to the orientation, scientific assessment and well, belief. If you will ask an expert cocker with a gamefarm, some of them would say 2 years old would be best while there are also those who would say 30 months old is the best. So what then is the right age for a fighting cock to be introduced to the rigors of training and fighting?

To answer this question, it is important to bear in mind that a rooster is guided by its instincts to fight. This instinct to fight starts at a very young age of even three months. It is part and parcel of their genetics to fight and we just have to harness their full potential to carry the same instinct up to the pit.

To believe that a rooster barely in its stag age can already have the instinct to die in a fight is not always accurate. A six month old rooster must not be introduced to intense sparring sessions because it still has to develop that courage that only a mature cock can possess.

Try to spar a six month old with a two year old cock and chances are after getting several heavy blows, there is a big chance the youngling will run away. The beating is just too much so its instinct to fight will wither.

Once a stag learns that he can run away as an option, he might take this idea up to old age and you might end up seeing your injured aged cock running away and refuses to peck even if the opponent is already dead just because it got hurt. I’ve seen this many times even in big cockpits. it is the height of embarrassment to be called as a breeder with a gamecock bloodline fit for a marathon competition.

What is important then is to develop the fighting ability, endurance, and gameness of the cock starting from a young age of six months. The approach must be gradual and not exhaustive especially in terms of sparring. As they age, it will be second nature to them and the courage to carry on the fight till death will be developed. Even if the bloodline is said to have deep gameness, it must still be tapped. It is there alright but you have to bring it out to its fullest potential.

Now, as to the question of what age is the best to fight gamecocks, to answer it directly, is from the time they reach two years old. From two to three years old, they are at their fiercest and strongest. Intelligence also becomes part of the equation if your fighting cock has the age. They haveve been trained to spar and fought with different breeds and from there you can watch their development from the time they started out in training till the time they are ready for the real fight.

A fighting cock that did not exhibit strength and improvement in fighting form after more than one year of training is not a good sign. At an old age, and given the many sparring sessions that they went through, they should have learned at least based on instinct what to do to hurt their opponent more. At any rate, some of the initial signs of fighting style will also be there even when they age so you can already determine early on what to do with them.

So the older they are, the better. This is because gamecocks owners will also try to age their roosters before they fight them. You are at an extreme disadvantage if you will use a stag to fight an aged cock with all other things being equal like weight and height.